beautiful woman, beautiful face, wearing a Simple beige shirt,Ai生成美女图片

时间:2023/05/13 浏览次数:584

beautiful woman, beautiful face, wearing a Simple beige shirt,Ai生成美女图片

Prompt details:(masterpiece), realistic, (27yr old female), beautiful face, wearing a Simple beige shirt and denim skirt, studio lighting, cinematic light, beautiful woman, beautiful black eyes, milk beige middle hair, perfect anatomy, very cute smile, princess eyes , (black eyes), (head frame), center image, style, bioluminescent, 8 life size, 8k Resolution, human hands, curiously complete, elegant, close to perfection, dynamic, highly detailed, character sheet, concept art, smooth, positioned so that their bodies are symmetrical and balanced directly towards the viewer, amazing Incredibly beautiful 20-something japanese girl, detailed hairstyles, ultra-realistic

  • 登龙门

    黄河禹门口(在今山西河津县西北和陕西韩城县东北),两岸峭壁对峙,形如阙门。古代传说,每年春末数千尾鲤鱼集于此,争登龙门。能跃登者不过七十二尾。登龙门后,鲤即化为龙,故禹门亦称为龙门。 《后汉书 · 李膺传》:“膺独持风裁,以声名自高。士有被其接者,名为登龙门。”唐李白《与朝荆州书》:“一登龙门,则声誉十倍。”科举时代凡会试得中,致身荣显,也叫登龙门。《封氏闻见记》卷二“贡举”:“故当代以进士登科为登龙门”。(典见《太平广记》卷四六六引《三秦记》)

  • 金龟换酒
